When God’s Ways Seem Ridiculous

Week 33, Wednesday

Lori McDaniel

Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard of? . . . You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides him there is no other. Deuteronomy 4:32,35

God’s ways often seem insane. God’s logic does not equal our common sense. To us, it often seems ridiculous. Ridiculous is a derivative of a Latin word meaning “to laugh.” When we sense God calling us to something that opposes our common sense, it induces an internal, skeptical chuckle. “Really? Seriously, God? What are You thinking?”

Let’s go retro for a moment and consider the history of God’s works: Ark building, even though it had never rained; one-hundred-year-old man becoming a father; angels appearing; burning bushes speaking; bodies of water dividing; water gushing out of rocks; talking donkeys; slaying a giant with a pebble; walking unscathed through fire; bread and fish multiplying; walking on water; people being raised from the dead . . . so seriously, what could God possibly ask us to be a part of that would seem any more ridiculous?

Each of these supernatural events was preceded by an opportunity for a person to remain in fear. Instead, the individual chose to build the ark, battle the giant, and get out of the boat. Trust became a choice in the midst of what seemed ridiculous. Had the people chosen instead to believe common sense, they would have missed God. God’s logic destroys our common sense and removes our comfort so that all that remains is pure faith in Him. There is nothing left for human reasoning or personal gain.

Trust is not tangible. It is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, and power of someone or something. We want to trust God, but our fears and human reasoning overwhelm us. We frantically question God, searching for a clear answer. Do I stay or go? Do we say yes or no? Is this Your will or mine? We long to know God’s provision, plan, and outcome before we move forward. God, however, wants us to know Him. The more we know God, the more we desire to take courage and move in faith. No longer do we fear losing anything personal; instead we fear not experiencing anything spiritual.

God, I want to know You more. I want to see You work in ways that can only be explained by Your great name. Use me for Your glory. I trust in You alone. Amen.

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