What Does God Want from You and Me in 2025?

At the end of the year, I reflect on the previous year and then dream, plan, and pray about the new year. I usually spend time in prayer for the focus of the coming year. I even choose a word for the coming year. This word will remind me of my focus and serve as a spiritual guide for the year, as the scriptures relate to it.

Honestly, the past two years have been trying and incredibly difficult. I’ve contemplated whether I can continue the ministry, but God doesn’t let it go within me. I know that He has called me to this mission.

This year, the Lord prompted me to ask Him, “What do you want from me?” Frankly, I didn’t want to ask this, but ask it, I did. I have shared with a few, Ministry wives, toward the end of the year, that the Lord had asked me over and over again, “Do you love me more or the ministry more?” “OUCH!” Indignant, I had answered, “You, Lord – I love You!” Really? Did my actions show this, or was I so consumed with the work that I lost sight of the One who called me to do the work?

He continues to show Himself faithful to me, yet I continue to try and work harder to prove that I am worthy of the work and that I’m not a failure at what He has called me to.

So, the last year has been a wrestling match between my trust in Him and my release of control to be still and let Him do what only He can do, in the time and in the way He knows is best.

My word this year: Delight

Delight in the Lord. – Take joy in my spending time with Jesus, despite the circumstances.

So here I go, delighting in the One who has called me to be His – not just to work for Him but “living from the inside out of being filled with JOY of knowing He loves me and I don’t have to do a thing to earn that love. 

  • Let’s focus on Him and Him alone—not our schedules, our to-do lists, or anything else—just Him.

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.” –

  • He knows and sees what I need, what you need. Let’s ask Him and then trust Him for the outcome. Ask Him for His plan for every situation in our lives.

Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, And He delights in his way.”

  • When we feel overwhelmed, we should cast our cares on Him and ask Him to comfort us and show us the next steps. We should be still before Him and learn to lean into His presence in every situation.

1 Peter 5:7 “…having cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares about you.”

Psalm 94:19 “When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comfort delights my soul.”

Psalm 46:10 “Stop striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted on the earth.”

  • I want to delight in the Lord this year, be joyful in Him, and see what He will do in the work He has called me to do.

I love you, sisters. Lean in, and let’s see what He will do in and through us this year.

Next week, we will do a year recap and invite you to join us on our podcasts and more. 

Delighted in the Lord and delighted to serve Him and you! 

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One Comment

  1. God bless you, Diane!
    What a breath of fresh air to rediscover your blog post “What does God want from me in 2025?”!
    Love the theme word “delight” and have made index cards of the “delight” verses for further meditation. Your comment of trying to work harder to prove your ministry rings so true for me. The older I get the more anxious I get in trying harder to prove my ability and “work” in ministry.
    My personal opening theme was “staying alive in 2025” since I lost a brother and sister this year and have been much more anxious over the future. I am using the motto: “Anxiety hates Psalms 23.” as recorded in the song, Still Waters. Your blog has redirected me to truly seek God’s direction in What He wants from me, to delight in seeking Him and spending more time with Him in prayer. to lighten up and listen more.
    Gratefully His,
    Chris Smith

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