Try a Little Gratitude

Week 34, Monday
Melanie Redd
And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 (nlt)

Apartment living. Ugh! After almost twenty years of married life lived pleasantly in houses, we are now living in an apartment. What started out as a quick stop has turned into quite a lengthy stay. It’s not a bad place to live as far as apartments go, but I really miss my yard, my garage, my kitchen, and my master bathroom.

As I was telling the Lord about how much I did not like my apartment situation, I heard this quiet voice say (that I believe came from the Lord), “Try a little gratitude. Tell Me what you like about it. Think about how good your situation really is.”

And so I started thinking about some of the positive aspects of living in this apartment home. In fact, I made a list that I remind myself of often.

Thank You, Lord, that the apartment is so small and easy to clean.

Thank You that someone else does my yard work and maintenance repairs.

Thank You for an inexpensive place to live with a low utility bill.

Thank You for the safety that we enjoy in this place.

Gratitude and thankfulness do wonders for us apartment dwellers and for all of God’s children. When you and I express gratitude, our attitudes change and our outlooks greatly improve. Jeremiah 33:11 says, “Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good.”

Today, when you begin to get grouchy or irritated at your circumstances, try a little gratitude. When one of your children or your spouse upsets you, try a little gratitude. When someone steals your “lollipop” or messes up your day, try a little gratitude. If you find yourself a little sad or down, try a little gratitude. As you do this, I pray you will experience joy and step a little closer to the Savior.

Father, as hard as it is to do, I want to begin to thank You in and for every single circumstance in my life. Lift my spirits as I offer You my thanks. Change my outlook as I focus my attention on You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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