
He was a Roman citizen and a Jew.  He was outspoken, bold, and courageous.  To some, he was brash, prideful and overbearing.  “Persecutor of the followers of the Way, hounding some to death, arresting both men and women and throwing them in prison.” (Acts 22:4 NLT) He was well versed in the traditions and teachings of the Jewish faith as well as being a solid Roman citizen.  Then one day, on the Damascus road, Saul, a persecutor of the church (the Way), became Paul. Suddenly, the trouble he had caused the Way shifted and he became a troublemaker for the religious leaders of His day.  He went from holder of tradition to warrior for the Way.

Why in the world would I write today above all days on Paul?  Because as a leader, when Paul showed up or spoke up there was trouble.   On the road to Damascus he was blinded by the intense light and was led by his companions into the city. A God fearing man named Ananias spoke to Him and his sight was regained. His vision was clearer than ever before. (Acts 22) After the Damascus road, Paul never stopped.  His experience included seclusion and training for almost three years.  He shows up on the scene around 39 A.D. in Jerusalem.   He plunged headlong into ministry.  He heads off on mission trips, arrested, speaks before Roman leadership, speaks before Jewish leadership, beaten, wrongly imprisoned, shipwrecked, snakebitten, beaten, plants churches, encourages churches, never stops…..preaching anywhere he could, Paul never stopped doing what He knew his Savior had called him to do.

How does this relate to this Passion week?  Our Savior never stopped living out His purpose. Even after His death, burial and resurrection, He didn’t stop doing what he was meant to do.  He met Saul on the road that day so that you and I might have a relationship with HIM.  All people everywhere were to know the one true God!  Jesus has always been and always will be on mission for a relationship with you, with me and His entire creation.  Our HOPE is in HIM, and he delights in ordering the steps of troublemakers like Paul, you and me.

Our world is in BIG trouble! So could it be that our Lord is calling “troublemakers” everywhere to take stands for the ONLY ONE that will bring true peace?

We can find Paul type “troublemakers” in our world today.  Don’t grow weary!  There are those that are “stirring up trouble” in their small part of the world.  Some will pay the ultimate price for the trouble that’s stirred up and some will merely make us think and draw us into a deeper relationship with the ONLY real peace this side of heaven. Whatever trouble is stirred up may we remember that we are in good company if we are pointing this troubled world to Jesus as the answer to all our woes!

Paul’s life is to be an example for modern day troublemakers.  Today, as you remember the terrible, horrible price paid for our sin, would you consider that you are placed in a position of leadership and influence so that HE might use you to cause some “trouble.”  The kind of trouble that causes others to think deeper and leads to absolute TRUTH of the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On Sunday we will celebrate the miracle of the resurrection and thousands will pour into their churches!  We will celebrate the ultimate sacrifice and payment for our sin.  We will celebrate the fact that because of this sacrifice and payment we get to go to heaven but our Savior did not pay the penalty for our sin so that we get to go to heaven, and that was it.  He paid this ultimate price so that as we understand this great sacrifice, and when we accept it as our payment for our sin then we become troublemakers in this mixed up chaotic, sinful world.  This day 2000 years ago was not meant to silence us but empower us and motivate us to be on mission in our “trouble making.”  You might be thinking, “I don’t want to be labeled a “troublemaker.”  While I understand and even can relate to that statement, it is rare for anyone to make a difference without causing a little trouble.  I’m not talking about trouble for trouble’s sake but the kind of trouble that we see in Paul’s life that wasn’t about him or his life or even the trouble he got into but was always bringing others to an intimate/personal relationship with Christ and always pointing to HIS SAVIOR!  His life was one of perseverance and authenticity.

We are to receive our assignments from our Lord and then, like Paul, let nothing, and I mean nothing stop us from carrying out the assignment that our Father has given us.  So this Easter, celebrate with your church family.  Celebrate with your family!  Praise the Lord for what He has given us and while you’re at it…..why don’t you cause some trouble!

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Check out YOU Lead for leadership events below.  If you are in Miami next week, come see me I would love to connect!
Diane Nix
Diane Nix

Diane Nix is the director and founder of Contagious Joy 4 Him, a network of encouragement to ministry wives around the globe.  Her husband, Dr. Preston Nix, is professor of evangelism and evangelistic preaching at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.  Serving in ministry together for 32 years, they have two biological daughters and two spiritually grown daughters, one son in law and grandson sweet boy Samuel. She is an author, speaker and blogger.

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