The Plans He Has for Us – Denise Gerst
by: DeNise Gerst
Pastor’s wives serve in a unique role. The expectations placed upon us can lead us to times of uncertainty when we feel overwhelmed and singled out. Criticism and scrutiny add to feelings of uncertainty.
The Prophet Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 29:11 CSB “For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” God already has plans for us.” Meeting unrealistic human standards and expectations should not be our goal. HE should be our standard and His pleasure our goal.
His plans and his thoughts toward us is where we should focus our eyes. All else is unworthy of our attention. When I have become uncertain, I check my focus. Who am I attempting to please? What goal am I trying to reach? What standard have I placed upon myself or allowed others to put upon me? Then I ask “Lord, what are your thoughts towards me?”
In a recent trying time, I met with what I felt was criticism due to a mistake that I made. It brought me to a place of uncertainty, and I began to question my ability and my role. Jeremiah 29:11 began to speak to my heart. “That is not what I think of you,” the Lord said to me. God had to remind me of his thoughts toward me, what he said about me.
When the weight of uncertainty bears down and attempts to consume me, I go to my secret place of worship. In the God’s presence, I am simply, DeNise. No expectations, titles, criticism–just my Father and me. Though my mistakes are real; my thoughts become focused on his opinion of me. His Word reminds me of who He says I am and my heart is purified. I am refined, healed, and forgiven. I draw closer to Him and He to me. In worship is where my Father reveals more of himself to me. It is there that he seeks me. “But an hour is coming and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him. .” John 4:23 CSB
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Other articles written by DeNise: “This Thing Called Love,” “Back to the Basics”, “In Times of Uncertainty”
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