Serving Boldly

When we think of the word BOLD, it is usually in conjunction with living out our faith or sharing Jesus. Rarely do we think about serving boldly. Hmmm, why not?

Recently, something on social media made me think about today’s subject. It asked what you would do if you knew you only had a few days to live. The replies were pretty typical, with people responding about vacations, spending time with friends, eating whatever they wanted, sleeping late, and things of that nature. Then the following screen stated that when Jesus knew He only had a few days to live, He washed the disciples’ feet.

Once again, we can always look to Jesus to set the example of how we should live. When it comes to BOLD living, He showed us how in every aspect of our lives. Many of us have followed the way He loved boldly or talked about the Father with boldness. We even pattern the way we teach with boldness after Jesus, but when was the last time we served with boldness?

I was challenged by this concept several years ago and prayed about what that means and what it should look like in my life and circles of influence. God opened my eyes to a stark reality that happens in many churches today. We can get caught up in our lives and miss out on the people near us. I had done Bible studies my whole life (and still LOVE them!), but I had felt good about filling my mind with more knowledge of God and His Word (still vital), yet I was not involved with people in need right in my community.

We only have so much time in our days, and spending all my time on the most convenient and familiar things can be easy. I thought, “Why couldn’t we start a group that meets on Bible Study mornings when childcare is already happening and be a mission group that serves people each week? So, we did. I talked to several women, and we agreed to pray about starting this local mission group. We each invited others to join us and spread the word about this new opportunity. We found that women love to serve and minister but don’t always know how, where, or what to do. With no foolproof plan or book of secrets to success, we just committed to serving and sharing Jesus with people regularly, and Hands & Feet was born.

When we demolished houses with a neighborhood revitalization effort, we picked up trash and prayer walked, sharing the love of Jesus with whoever would listen. We helped lonely people feel less lonely by coming alongside new friends who needed a word of encouragement or cleaning a condemnable house so an older woman could stop getting sick from the bugs and filth. We prayed drug dealers out of neighborhoods and did everything you can imagine that comes with befriending people overlooked by the world, but NOT by Jesus. Seven years later, the strangers we met have become friends. Through this group, I’ve grown personally through the necessity and opportunity to serve these friends boldly in the name of Jesus.

It is not easy to serve with boldness, but it is rewarding. People tend to be grateful when they have the opportunity to grow in their faith. As we boldly serve and invite others to do so with us, they will recognize the difference it makes and be thankful. Once we get a taste of what it feels like to be used by God, it is tough to go back and settle for serving only when it is convenient or easy. We start looking for challenging ways to be used by God because we have experienced the growth that happens when we get to trust Him on that level.

To serve boldly may mean doing the unexpected with humility–like Jesus did when He washed the disciples’ feet. It may also mean getting us out of our comfort zone so that we depend on Him in a completely new way. It can be that we do what no one else wants to do and that we are ok with not being recognized for our efforts. Whatever it looks like for you, one thing is clear to me now. Serving BOLDLY will impact the people I serve, but more importantly, trusting Him enough to follow His example will profoundly conform me to His image. And isn’t that what we all strive for anyway–being more like Jesus? Let’s start with washing some feet and doing the unexpected. I’ll join you.


Rachel has been doing ministry with her husband Jeff for 30 years, and they have 5 grown children. She is an author and teacher with a knack for teaching Biblical Truths in a simple, fun, relevant way so that they can be applied to everyday life. Her passion is to see lives transformed by the Word of God, which happens when Scripture is applied to our lives. Rachel serves as a Womens Ministry leader at her home church of FBC Cleveland TN.   


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