Present Yourself to God

Week 28, Tuesday

Diane Strack

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 (nkjv)

Looking for answers today? We do not have to watch talk shows for an opinion or popular advice. We don’t have to run to and fro until we find the answer we like or can live with. Presentation of ourselves to the perfect will of God sets us free to receive His fullness, His answers, His patience, and His order for our lives. This one act allows us to fully and completely know Him in an intimate relationship.

During one of many heart catheterizations, I opted to stay awake so that I could watch the screen, see firsthand what the damage looked like, and discuss how it would be fixed. In sort of a fog, I listened as they discussed the severity of the disease and began moving the camera through my arteries. My first thought was, “Be careful! Slow down!” The reality of the moment froze me in fear, and I could do nothing but lie completely still.

Tears leaked down my cheeks like silent rain and a feeling of utter helplessness engulfed me. I cried within, “Lord, meet me here. I need You here and now.” Almost immediately, a great peace engulfed me and I heard the voice of God. The doctor and nurses didn’t hear it; but then He wasn’t speaking to them! He was speaking to me. He simply said, “Present yourself to Me. I’ll do the rest.” In that moment the only thing within my control was the will to trust my Savior, and I gave it heartily, fully, and completely to Him. I remember thinking, “I have just been given another chance to live.”

The process of salvation begins with seeing the disease of sin spreading through our hearts; we are then compelled to present ourselves in full abandon for spiritual healing. Salvation is truly the chance to live again. Once we have received so great a gift, it is ours to be called upon again and again for confidence, strength, renewal, and joy with full assurance.

It is important to understand that we do not present ourselves for acceptance, but for transformation. We have already been accepted by His love, accepted into His family in the moment of salvation and life will never again be the same. Present yourself to Christ today and fully enjoy the peace of surrender to His will in every area, small and great.

Father, I see the beauty of Your holiness and bow down in worship. With great joy, I present myself to You today for Your service that I might bring glory to Your name. Thank You for the incorruptible gift of salvation. Amen.

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