Powerful Transformation

Week 37, Friday

Beth Ann Meek


It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.

Psalm 18:32

King David knew the power of God’s transforming strength. Murderous enemies, including King Saul, had relentlessly pursued David. Yet David stood strong in the end and was delivered because of his confidence in God. As he wrote in Psalm 18, he experienced the beautiful progression of how dependence upon God transforms helpless victims to victorious warriors. Reviewing the succession of events in Psalm 18 can also give us hope for victory in life’s most difficult circumstances, both physically and spiritually.

David described his dire circumstances as “cords of death” and “torrents of destruction” which entangled and overwhelmed him (Psalm 18:4). However, David knew the answer to his problem lay in the strength of his heavenly Father, so he cried out to Him (see Psalm 18:6). Once God heard David’s cries, He immediately “parted the heavens and came down” (Psalm18:9). God then reached down and drew David out of his “deep waters” and set him “into a spacious place” (Psalm 18:16,19).

Why did God do this? Because He delighted in David (see Psalm 18:19). God then armed David with strength by giving him a “shield of victory” (Psalm 18:32,35). No longer was David the helpless victim. He was a victorious warrior who was now able to pursue his enemies and overtake them (see Psalm 18:37). Not only did he overtake them, he “crushed them so that they could not rise” (Psalm 18:38). Finally, David could sing praises to God because he had seen the victory only God could provide (see Psalm 18:46-50).

Most of us can recall a situation in our lives when we felt we were totally helpless and could see no way out. Through Christ, we are children of God and because of God’s unchanging character, we can be assured that He not only hears our cries, but He also answers them. When we rely upon God’s strength alone, we experience freedom from our entangling and overwhelming circumstances. Deliverance is available if we have the faith of David and stand on God’s power.

Father, strengthen me when I am helpless. Help me to stand firm in Your strength and to rely on You to overcome any overwhelming circumstances life will bring. Thank You that You are hearing my prayer right now. I praise You, O Lord, my strength.

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