
Pack Light

He told them: “Take nothing for the journey-no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.” (Luke 9:3)

Last spring our family took a little trip together during our daughter’s school break. We drove nine hours one way to spend two days in a hotel in a snowstorm. Then we drove

another nine hours home to spend another day in that same storm that somehow managed to follow us home! While packing for our quick getaway, my husband and I thought we could just share our “large” suitcase. I tried to pack light. Really, I did. But soon my husband was lugging another suitcase upstairs for himself. No matter how hard I try, my suitcase always bulges. Of course there were sweaters I didn’t even wear, hand lotions I didn’t need, medicines and toiletries that remained untouched for the duration of our trip; but how could I not take them “just in case”? It makes me wonder how I would have fared if I had been one of the twelve sent out by Jesus and ordered to “take nothing for the journey”! Not a staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra sweater…oh, my! How did they do it? As I read this story today it struck me that the apostles could have easily become arrogant and self reliant as they journeyed throughout Galilee, demonstrating the incredible power and authority that Jesus had given them…gifted to them! Their light packing probably did a good job of keeping them humble and completely dependent on God as they traveled, preaching and healing. When Jesus empowers me for a task or grants success in my corner of ministry, I want to stay empty-handed before Him, totally dependent on Him. I want to learn to take nothing for my journey too, but find my all in all in Him!

How has God taught you to “pack light” and stay dependent on Him?  Post a comment below or for a private chat meet me in the forums.

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One Comment

  1. We are so dependent on things aren’t we … a good reminder to be dependent on God. He’s always with us.

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