When the Oceans Rise

Week 1, Friday
Leighann McCoy

Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? . . . Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:5,11

Yesterday I went on an adventure with my daughter Mikel, her friend Kimberly, and a boatload of friends we are visiting in the Bahamas. Mikel graduated from high school last Saturday and we came to Spanish Wells, Bahamas, for her senior trip. Our adventure started at 6 a.m. when we pulled away from the dock in our overloaded boat to head to what our friends called “the keys.” Two hours later we were in the deep blue sea trolling for dolphin (not the kind you swim with but the blue-green kind you eat).

Before we finished fishing a squall surrounded us on all sides. We had no choice but to head home right through the crashing waves and piercing rain. By “crashing waves” I’m talking about waves that came over the bow of the boat, smacked us in our faces, and soaked through our waterproof jackets. As I watched the faces of my Bahamian friends for any indication that I needed to be afraid, I was reminded that no matter what the circumstances, we are to be still and know that God is God (see Psalm 46:10).

Mikel and Kimberly took their seats in the bow of the boat. Our Bahamian friends suggested they might be more comfortable down on the floor, but they insisted on sitting up where they could see. And from their seats they fearlessly faced each soaking wave with squeals of delight. When the rain pelted us they put their diving masks on and started singing a song Ms. Anita taught them in children’s church (complete with hand motions). They were fun to watch and I wished I could have captured them on video, but it was too wet to risk pulling the camera out. It was a perfect picture of where the psalmist wanted to be when he penned Psalm 42.

The ocean will rise and the thunder will roar but when it dares to smack you in the face remember that the God who created those waves created you. He knows where you are, and He loves you.

Lord, as the psalmist prayed, I will yet praise You, my Savior and my God. Though the rains pour down, the waves crash, the lightning strikes, and the thunder roars, my hope will be in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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