Online Bible Study for Minister’s Wives
What is Online Bible Study?
Online Bible Study is designed to offer a way for you to study the Bible at your own convenience. Join minister’s wives all over the world who are opening God’s Word and being blessed as God’s Word pierces their hearts.
Taking Responsibility for the Choices We Make
If this book title caught your attention, you’re most likely undone, offended, wounded, legitimately angry, or somebody’s done you wrong.
Usually the last person we hold responsible for our choices is ourselves.
Taking responsibility for those choices is the first step to making better ones.
Written and taught by LeighAnn McCoy.
There is More To Your Story
Have you ever found yourself in the midst of loss, loneliness, or a season of great change or hurt? Did your mind wonder if this was it…if this was how your story would end? The story of Ruth is for you. It is a story offering hope when all hope seems lost.
The book of Ruth begins as a story of heartache, but it doesn’t stop there. Mourning gives way to dancing as themes of loyalty, kindness, risk-taking, acceptance, and breath-taking love and redemption burst forth. The story of Ruth isn’t a fairy tale of redemption for one woman thousands of years ago.
Ruth is a story of God’s providence to redeem us all—even you. God’s divine intervention is woven through this masterfully told story as we see His hand at work through seemingly small events. This six-week study will challenge and encourage you as God speaks to your heart and reminds you that no matter where you find yourself, God isn’t done with you and there is more to your story.
Written and taught by Bobi Ann Allen. Bobi Ann is a pastor’s wife, mom and ministry leader. She enjoys opening God’s Word with women and letting the Holy Spirit transform hearts…including her own.
Jesus, Our Joy
Jesus, Our Joy is a study of Paul’s letter to the Philippian church. Philippians challenges us in a practical and relevant way. As believers become distracted by tense relationships, difficult circumstances and spiritual failure, Paul calls Christians to press on in their pursuit of Christ. He inspires us to adjust our attitudes, tame our thought life and submit our will to God’s purposes so we might know Christ more fully.
Jesus, Our Joy is an 11-week study of the book of Philippians. This in-depth study includes daily homework to propel you into God’s Word so your heart and mind might truly experience the fulfillment that comes as Jesus becomes the source of your joy.
Written and taught by Bobi Ann Allen. Bobi Ann is a pastor’s wife, mom and ministry leader. She enjoys opening God’s Word with women and letting the Holy Spirit transform hearts…including her own.

A Word From The Author
“I can’t get enough of the practical wisdom Paul shares with his friends in Philippi. No matter how many times I re-read and re-study this book, I’m left walking away encouraged, challenged and longing for more Jesus.” -Bobi Ann Allen
Writtennd taught by Bobi Ann Allen. Bobi Ann is a pastor’s wife, mom and ministry leader. She enjoys opening God’s Word with women and letting the Holy Spirit transform hearts…including her own.