Love Your Man

“These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.” Titus 2:4-5 NLT

I trust that this is your heart. But depending on the moment how does that play out, what type of love is it and does he see/feel it?

Far too often amidst the busyness of ministry, demands of family and social life we lose sight of what is most important. As a result we “love” our husbands when it fits into the schedule. We may be doing just fine keeping up with our duties as maid, chef and child care worker. We can become so busy serving our husbands that we overlook enjoying him. He may feel like he is just another item being checked off the “to do” list.


The type of love referred to in Titus 2 is Phileo Love. It’s a love based on friendship between two people. Friendship is the foundation of a successful relationship.It’s a love that is emotionally positive. trustworthy, devoted and a source of support.


One of the most important roles we have as wives fill is to “Phileo” your husband. You are his companion, his helper, the friend he can count on. Remember that God said it was not good for man to be alone. (Read Genesis 2) God saw what man truly needed was a best friend to share his life journey, his hopes and dreams, his heart. Our men should never feel alone. We have a high calling in our role as wife and friend.


Now we understand the importance of strong friendship with your spouse. But what about a strong intimate relationship with your spouse? Eros love is a very important piece of the puzzle. It is based on strong emotional and physical feelings toward another. The romantic feeling common in “eros love” is natural and an essential part of relationship between a man and a woman. Romance also plays a role in strengthening the bonds, feeling of security and oneness. This is an important part of God’s plan and should not be neglected. Just read the Song of Songs and 1 Corinthians 7.


We women in an effort to organize our lives often Donna's 2011 headshot compartmentalize our priorities. We should realize that loving God and loving our husbands are not to be separated. They are completely connected. All your relationships are intertwined or the very least touch one another. Your relationship with God affects them all. You are a child of God when you pray and read your Bible. You are a child of God when you care for your children and home. You are a child of God when go grocery shopping or attend meetings. And you are a child of God when you make love to your husband.


“Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned.” Song of Songs 8:7


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  1. I must say I believe God is speaking to me personal because this is the second time in the last day God has taking me to this passage. The Pastor last night in bible study talked about this same issue. I know that there are times when being a friend has become second to being everything to everybody. I always pray that God will tap me on the shoulder when it gets to be to much for his son because his daughter is to busy to see that he needs his friend back. I pray that we all seek true guidance from God about the love in our marriages.

  2. Thank you cyntrob for your insight and heart to listen to God’s promptings. Like Martha our busyness can be a distraction from the best God has for us.

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