
He Knows

“Jesus shouted to the crowds, “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me.” John 12:44

“But I trust in your unfailing love.  I will rejoice because you have rescued me.” Psalms 13:5
“For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything he does.” Psalms 33:4
I power walk almost every morning on our lake front.  I put my ear buds in and I worship for 3.5 miles.  Most mornings I see a man standing at waters edge with up lifted arms, his Bible resting on the railing.  The moment I first saw him I was drawn to his abandoned worship of our Lord.  I have watched him for weeks.  His authentic worship makes me smile.  The other day as I passed him he had moved from the edge of the water to sitting in a Gazebo.  I heard myself call out, “Pray for me today.”  He called out, “What’s your name?”  I replied, “Diane.”  That was it.  I was surprised by my words but I instantly knew that the Holy Spirit had directed me.
The weekend came and went and I found myself once again speed walking the lakefront while praising my Lord and there he was.  This particular morning, standing toward the rising sun, he is looking at me with a steady gaze.  I paused my music and he called out, “Are you Diane?” “Yes,” I answered. “That’s my wifes’ name. I pray for Diane everyday,” He stated.   He introduced himself as Joseph and he explained that he had asked the Lord to bring me by this particular morning.  He wanted to pray for me in person.  He asked if I had any specific prayer requests.  I responded with a general request, he reached his hands out for mine and then he bowed his head and he began to pray.  In that moment, I heard the Father’s heart for me.  He prayed so specifically that if I had not known better, I would have thought I had shared very intimate details about my life with this man.  I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “I know, Diane.” “I know where you are.”  “You can trust me.”  “Walk forward in faith.”
When Joseph finished praying I looked up and said, “You have no idea how on target you were today.”  His answer surprised me even more, “I held back what God was completely showing me for fear that I would frighten you.”  I answered in earnest, “Please tell me everything the Spirit spoke to you.”  He did.  I am astounded.
Why am I astounded? I continue to reflect on that morning prayer time.  There is absolutely no way that this man could have known the details that he prayed.  When something like this occurs do you and I  stand in some disbelief  because we struggle with believing that our God, the creator of this universe would be mindful of us?  Is it that we have allowed unbelief to creep in and to rob us of knowing him this intimately?  Or is it that we are too busy and the details of this life/ministry work have pushed back the supernatural and we live only in the frame of what we can see, touch and manage?

That day I was astounded but reminded that God knows us better than we know ourselves.  We cannot escape His presence.  Before we speak a word, He knows the word.  He knows me.  He knows You.  We are His.

We can trust HIM…when our dream are shattered.
We can trust HIM…when we haven’t won the battle.
We can trust Him…when life is at its worst or at its best.
We can trust HIM…when the water is not parted and we can’t walk through.
We can trust HIM…when heaven seems silent.
We can trust HIM He will carry us through!

The day Joseph prayed with me I was listening to the song below.  Click on the pic and be blessed today!


What does it mean for you to trust God?  Join me in the here and or in the safe place of the forum. Remember you will need to log in with your username and password to comment in our secure & safe forum. Thankful He plucked me out and called me His girl!
Praying for you,
love you,

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  1. wow! just discovered this site. was looking for a site to recommend to other minister’s wives but really found what I need myself! I’m realizing He knows me and that I would join tonight and find this post. Thank you for sharing Diane. I am finding myself totally inadequate for the challenge facing me in not only being the pastor’s wife but now taking on the ministry that has just begun for minister’s wives and another mission God has placed on my husband’s and my heart. This is no time to not be trusting HIM! I step forward this week with fear and trembling, but He knows that!

  2. o2bwise so glad that you found us! Praying for you as you move forward in faith trusting Him who knows you! If we can ever help you in any way let us know!

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