Grace Filled Days!
By: Emily Dean
Most days I feel overwhelmed. Between managing my family’s busy schedules, church schedules, and my own schedule, I sometimes feel stretched in all directions. The problem is, I am not Elastigirl from the Incredibles who can stretch and keep stretching without being snapped! Do any of you ladies know what I mean? Some days you feel so pressed on every side even to think about what’s happening beyond today is enough to send you into orbit.
What God has taught me in the last few weeks though, is that the feeling of being overwhelmed by life does not come from Him. In fact, devouring us is a strategy of the enemy (1 Peter 5:8). What comes from God is a covering of peace when we bring all of our cares and concerns to him (Philippians 4:7).
A planner by nature, I like to have everything mapped out as far in advance as possible. Faith doesn’t always work that way. God gives us just enough illumination to see what is in front of us. Otherwise, we would be walking by sight, not by faith. In this busy season, the pace of my life has caused me to appreciate simply focusing on the grace God gives me for today. If I begin to stress about what’s too far in advance, I forfeit the unexplainable peace that is available to me through Jesus. That feeling of tension has become my caution light indicating I am trying to walk by sight rather than walking by faith which allows God to lead me where He wants me to go. My favorite scripture passage during this time has become:
“Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us. We are afflicted in every way but not crushed; we are perplexed but not abandoned; we are struck down but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:7-9 (CSB)
Here are a few reminders from this verse of how God will see us through trials and pressures of life:
1) God will not let you be crushed!
This verse reminds me that even though some days my jar may crack, God will not let the pressure crush it. Let me say that to you again. Even though some days your jar may crack, God will not let you shatter. Though you may feel you will break into a million pieces, God will hold you together. Lean into Him. Trust Him to take care of you in whatever you may go through.
2) God will not abandon you!
Over and over in scripture, God reminds us that He will not leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Though you may feel alone and abandoned in your trial, God sees you. Scripture says that we should humble ourselves before the Lord and cast all of our cares upon Him because He does care about us (1 Peter 5:6-7).
3) God will not let you be destroyed!
Though the pressures of life can cause us to feel overwhelmed and maybe even knock us flat on our backs, God will not let us be destroyed. At the end of the day, He is greater than our enemy (1 John 4:4). God will defend our cause when we are following His will, and He will uphold us with His righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).
When I can remember these truths, I am freed up to focus on what does matter, showing grace to everyone around me. Instead of worrying, I can love as Christ loves because I know He is working out all of those things which cause me to feel stressed and agitated. Instead of holding a grudge, I can forgive as Christ forgives because I know He has forgiven me so much. Instead of stressing about my own needs, I can be compassionate as Christ is because I know God will take care of my needs, too. In focusing on doing the simple things God calls me to each day, I experience how His grace truly is sufficient for my weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9).
I can live each day full of grace and truth rather than fear and worry because I know God won’t let me be crushed, He won’t abandon me, and He won’t let me be destroyed. His grace is enough for each moment; His grace is sufficient to fill my days.
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Other articles by Emily: Fear or Faith
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Emily Dean has been a ministry wife serving churches with her husband Jody in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi before transitioning to her current role as a Professor’s Wife, Coordinator of Women’s Programs, and Adjunct Professor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She and Jody, along with their two precious children Lydia and James Robert, live in New Orleans where Jody serves as assistant professor of Christian Education at NOBTS. Passionate about training people how to study and teach God’s word, Emily currently teaches at NOBTS in the Women’s Ministry and Ministry Wife Programs. You can follow her blog at
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