Good News of the Dark Day!

Recently, an Uber conversation turned to the reason I was in the city. In the midst of dialogue, my driver said, “We are the same in our religion.  You have your prophet, and I have mine!”  My response stopped him.  “Well you can say that but not me.  You see my Savior came and died for me so that I will never have to be concerned with religion ever again!  It’s not my religion but about my relationship with the One who gave His life for me so that I could be CERTAIN that I would spend eternity with Him and Our Father!” I know where I will spend eternity and because of this I live to please the ONE who died for me.

The driver was intrigued and asked if we might continue this conversation another time.  I answered affirmatively and handed him my card.  I hope the day will come that this man along with his family will become my brother.

I relate to the woman of Mary Magdalene!  She is my favorite woman of scripture.  I stand amazed at her story of rescue, redemption, and revelation.

In the book of John chapter 20, early in the morning, Mary Magdalene finds herself at the empty tomb.  Running back to the disciples and reported what she had found.  She exclaimed,  “They had taken away the Lord, and she didn’t know where they had laid him!” The disciples went and saw for themselves and left to their homes.  Mary lingered.  I can imagine that she was thinking of the events that had taken place in her life and had unfolded in the last few days.  She wondered where to go from there.  She grieved and cried and peered in the tomb one more time and to her amazement, two angels sat, one at the head and one at the foot of where Jesus had laid.  They asked why she was crying? She answered stating that they had taken her Lord and she didn’t know where.  As she said this, she turned and saw Jesus standing in front of her, but she didn’t recognize him!  He asked the same question as the angels. She, supposing He was a gardener, said, “If you tell me, I’ll go get Him.”  Jesus replied with calling her name, “Mary!”  She knew Him immediately!  He gave her instructions to go and tell the disciples what she had seen.  She acted obediently and quickly told the disciples what she had seen and that HE had spoken to her!

I know Friday is dark. “…..but take courage He has overcome the world.” John 16:33

May we never stop sharing the story of that day!  May we NEVER stop sharing our story!  May we cry out, “He’s alive, and He has sent me to tell you,” to anyone who will listen!  Celebrate with abandon!  He is our King!

Happy Easter my sweet sisters!

Praying for each of you!

Love, Diane
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with JOY!
Psalm 126:3

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