Forgiveness in Christ

Week 45, Weekend
Anya Roberts
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

In the Word of the Lord, we find this wonderful verse. It has been a lifelong favorite verse for me. I’ve always loved it and have been encouraged by its wonderful truth. There are three things that come to mind as I think about this verse. The first one is that the Lord really does forgive our sins, and when He forgives us it is to forgive and to forget. As His Word has told us in several places, our sins are buried and they’re remembered no more. They are separated and divided as far as the east is from the west (see Psalm 103:12), and that’s a long way! What a wonderful reality it is to know that while we’ve all failed and we’ve all fallen short, our sins can be forgiven through the grace of God and His wonderful love and patience with us.

The second great truth is that He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. His perfect sacrifice for every sin is indeed remarkable. We find in one of my favorite chapters of the Bible, Isaiah 53, that the Lord Himself says that it pleased Him to bruise Jesus. Isn’t that amazing? That it was indeed the Lord’s will to see His Son Jesus die for our sins and in our place. As a God of justice, the Lord Himself had to correct sin. Sin is an attack upon His character and nature. He must not leave it unaddressed. But in His grace and goodness to us He provided a wonderful and complete sacrifice in Jesus Christ. He was made sin for us so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. And it is not just some, the least important, or the most important sins that He cleanses, it is all of them. As we know from His Word, it is just as if we have never sinned at all.

The third great truth is the Lord’s great encouragement to us that we should come to Him and take the initiative to ask for forgiveness. While He’s provided everything for us through His Son, it is still up to us individually to seek His face, to ask for His forgiveness, and to receive His cleansing. This is God’s open invitation. The remarkable truth for all of us is that God not only will forgive but that He delights to forgive. So, Christian or unbeliever, take this verse to heart and seek the One who is the all-forgiving, righteous, cleansing God.

Heavenly Father, You are righteous and faithful to Your promises. Thank You for the Lord Jesus who has paid the full price for my sins at Calvary. Amen.

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