How You Finish

Is how you finish something you ponder? Is it merely a fleeting thought that drifts through your mind?

Scripture often uses the word finish. Jesus finished speaking, finished instructing, and made the ultimate declaration “It IS finished.” Our lives are full of occasions, tasks and things to finish!

I believe the desire to finish may influence our choices and decisions along the journey. I choose to finish—therefore some things are not options. Because I choose to finish I cannot run away when the road gets hard. I may not quit regardless of how valid it seems when I am deeply burdened. I will rest and refresh, but I will not quit.

My husband identified God’s call to ministry after our marriage, when we had two small children. This call became the lens through which we both viewed life. God’s call was definite for us, something specific, with boundaries. For us the call to ministry meant saying yes to relocating, even though others may have misunderstood our actions. It meant our very lives were accountable—that we journeyed onward in the God-ordained direction for our lives; our job was to obey and follow.

My pastor/husband died very suddenly as I planned a surprise gathering to celebrate our 25-years of ministry. That was a difficult time, yet I had all assurance of his integrity and earnestness to follow obediently to every direction and call. He finished well. That alone gave me great comfort. If we never think of the conclusion of our life and work, how will we know we remain on “the” path?

Now I follow my own call from the Lord. I tend to live today with a view of the end: I want to complete the work God has for me. I know your heart toothat you want to finish well! Discouragement says, “Why bother?” “Who cares?” or “Our ministry seems small or insignificant… so, does it really matter anyway?” YES, I’m here to say yes! Your life counts! Your work counts! Your ministry matters!

No one can live my life, and only you may live yours. God designed your life to engage with and interact with certain people. Only you will reach that one. I find encouragement from Acts 20:2, But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I may finish MY course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God. I do have a testimony of the grace of God, and my sweet ministry-spouse-friend: you do as well! Choose to finish well.



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