[su_button url=” https://contagiousjoy4him.com/forums/topic/ephesians-intro” style=”bubbles” background=”#6c2f40″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes”]Ephesians–Intro Discussion Forum[/su_button]
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 2In this lesson, we will take a more in-depth look at Paul’s opening words to the church in Philippi. With the knowledge we have about the specific people Paul is writing to, Paul’s words will carry more weight and meaning. We will discover one of Paul’s major themes throughout the…
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 5 In our fifth lesson, we piggy back onto lesson 4 where we considered how God handles the humble. Though we see how God exalts, extends mercy and provides generously for the humble, God is not indifferent to the proud. The week we consider signs of pride in our own…
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 3In this lesson, we finish up Paul’s introduction of his letter to the Philippians. This section of the letter certainly challenges our way of thinking when it comes to experiencing true joy. We discover that Paul is living out some of our worst nightmares when it comes to opposition to…
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 8 Many Christians have become really good at listening to another sermon or Bible study and being reminded of what they should be doing. Unfortunately, education hasn’t always led to execution because while we’ve become familiar with what we should be doing, we lack the steps to actually do it….
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