
Week 11, Monday

Debbie Brunson

In the beginning God . . . Genesis 1:1 (nkjv)

Names are important. In fact, they define our relationships. I am known by many titles and names. To some, I am the pastor’s wife, a sister, a teacher, a trustee, a neighbor, or simply Mrs. Brunson. To my children, I am Mama, to my grandsons I am Honey, and to my husband I am Sweetheart. You can hear the greater intimacy as the titles become more personal.

Names had special significance in the Hebrew culture. We learn something about the character and nature of a person by studying the meaning of his or her name. God reveals Himself in Scripture in some seven hundred descriptive names and titles. These names, often revealed at crisis points in faith, are God’s self-revelation of His nature and attributes. You see this in the lives of Abraham, Moses, David, and Gideon. By revealing His name, God showed His children something about Himself.

In the opening words of God’s revelation to His people, the first name the Holy Spirit used to describe God is the Hebrew noun Elohim. This name points to God as the Creator of the universe, as the eternal God, and as our all-powerful Lord. If we knew no other name for God, this name alone would tell us that He is worthy to be praised and adored.

Are you facing difficulties today that seem insurmountable? God reveals to us through this name that He is able to handle all of our problems. He created us and all that is in existence. He is our eternal Father who loves us with an everlasting love. As we call out to Him in the midst of our heartache and struggles, we develop an intimate relationship as we hear His voice and experience His peace.

Lord, I confess that I often go through days of difficulty. Thank You that I can look back and see that You reveal Yourself to me in new ways in the midst of my struggles. My walk grows deeper and more precious each day as I turn to you as Elohim, my Creator and Sustainer. Amen.

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