Chosen to Train Them

Chosen to Train Them

by: Marshelle Wilburn As a mother of five biological children, two foster and other spiritual children, I have nurtured “my babies” sometimes to exhaustion over the past three decades. [su_spacer] When you parent younger children, you experience a physical drain resulting from sleep deprivation and extended energy required when they fight naps, teeth are cutting,…

Let Them Love You!

Let Them Love You!

By:  Rebecca Holloway   Your husband has stood beside countless bedsides as dear saints have gone home to glory. You have taken food to those who are sick or have had surgery. You have thrown countless baby showers and wedding showers. Your minister husband and you have prayed with many who have serious family needs…



In 1995 I received a tree ornament from my oldest son that he made in daycare. This one has his handprint and a conversation recorded on the back about what he wanted for Christmas that year. It goes like this: Miss Lavran: “What is Santa Claus bringing you this year?” Dillon: “Something. Blue toys, I…

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