Be Still

Week 16, Monday

Jeana Floyd


Be still, and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10 (nkjv)

Rarely do we find the time to “be still” in our society. Often we find ourselves at the mercies of our schedules. We live in a world of technology that rarely leaves us alone. We have family obligations, job responsibilities, and feel the need to maintain friendships and relationships with others.

So where is God in the midst of all the craziness and demands? I believe He’s in that still small voice telling us to “be still, and know that I am God.” In the book Jesus Calling, Sarah Young wrote, “Nothing is as important as spending time with Him. While we wait in His presence, He does His best work within us: transforming us by the renewing of our minds.”[i] Our minds can be the greatest detriment if we concentrate on completing our daily lists and activities rather than seeing each day as an opportunity to serve Him with all the details of our lives—regardless of the activity for that day. We have the choice every day of our lives to live it for ourselves and focus on what we think needs to be done, or live life for Him looking for opportunities to show Christ in all that we do.

Regardless of what stage of life you find yourself in, there will always be a temptation to set aside the most important investment of our time with the Father for a lesser obligation that seems more urgent at the moment. We must be intentional on a daily basis to refrain from being swallowed up by the distraction of the activity of our lives. Spending quiet time before the Lord is the best time investment we can make. Easy? No. Imperative? Yes. Recognition of His work, His will, and His plan early in our day brings balance, meaningful productivity, and order to our lives.

Practice “being still” as you start your day. It does make a difference. At the end of the day, our goal should be that we can look back and say, “All I did today, I did for His glory and His honor.” Be intentional today to be still and allow Him to speak to your heart.

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that You are Lord of all. I “still” my heart, my mind, and emotions before You, yielding to Your plan for this day. In Jesus’ name, am

[i] Sarah Young, Jesus Calling (Franklin, TN: Integrity Publishers, 2004), 90.

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