
When God’s Woman Wants to Give Up and How not to!

Life as we know it is hard, and there are many demands on women.

Have you ever just wanted to give up? Have you ever wanted to quit….throw in the towel…. chunk it to everyone? Have you ever wanted to disappear…or if we are really honest – have someone else disappear? Do you ever feel like doing something else, somewhere else, with someone else? For the next few weeks, we will focus on what makes a woman want to give up.

The good news is that we are not alone. There are thousands of women just like you and me.

So, if you are the woman who wants to pull the covers over your head and hope that if you look again that you will be someplace else with someone else, take courage, you are not alone. If you are the woman who cannot take another day of carpooling, screaming kids, and negative check balances – you, my dear, are not alone. If you are the woman who has remained faithful to your marriage vows ALL these years and just found out that HE isn’t, hasn’t, and wasn’t – You are not alone! 

Perhaps you are the woman who has received Word from the doctor of a terminal illness for yourself or a loved one. OR maybe you are the woman that is truly alone in this world. You have no one to talk to. Your “prince charming” has not ridden up and swooped you up into the “happily ever after” life, and frankly, you are just sick of this single life thing. 

You could be the woman who is at her wit’s end. You are at the end of all the resources at your disposal, and there is nothing left and nowhere to turn to make this life work anymore.

I know what it feels like to want to give up. In my life, I have experienced the death of a child and the loss of all my material possessions. I have had more than one debilitating illness that has threatened my ability to care for my family and life. Some of those closest to me have betrayed and rejected me. I have felt abandoned by my God and completely and totally alone in this world. 

In my years of ministering to women, I have seen women who have chosen to give up. I have watched them as they faded into the background as life passed them by in bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, and silent pain. God’s Word says we are not intended to live this way. We were definitely not designed to live in obscurity for the rest of our lives. We have a purpose, and that purpose is to have abundant life.

A verse comes to my mind; “There is nothing truly new under the sun.” There is a woman that lived 4,000 years ago. We know her as Job’s wife. After the death of her children, the loss of all her material possessions, and the loss of her reputation, she chose to give up and cried out, “…. Curse God and die!” 

In the following weeks, you and I will discover – we can make a better choice. Join me on this journey

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One Comment

  1. This certainly came in God’s perfect timing. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this! God bless!

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