
 From One Ministry Wife to Another by Susie Hawkins

From One Ministry Wife to Another

[su_spoiler title=”About the Book” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=”shop”]When a church hires a new minister, they are really hiring both him and his wife. Many women entering this role for the first time have never considered what it means to be a minister’s wife and consequently suffer stress, chaos, and confusion. In order to thrive, she needs a solid understanding of the biblical teaching on her role and how to best serve her husband as he fulfills his role.
Susie Hawkins brings thirty years of experience as a minister’s wife coupled with her role as the mother of two ministry wives. By focusing on key relationships and responsibilities in relation to the church and home, Susie guides young women to a greater understanding of how to serve God faithfully as the wife of a minister.[/su_spoiler]


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Jesus, Our Joy – A Study of Philippians

[su_spoiler title=”About the Book” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus” anchor=”” class=”shop”]Paul’s letter to the Philippian church challenges us in a practical and relevant way. As believers become distracted by tense relationships, difficult circumstances and spiritual failure, Paul calls Christians to press on in their pursuit of Christ. He inspires us to adjust our attitudes, tame our thought life and submit our will to God’s purposes so we might know Christ more fully. Jesus, Our Joy is an 11-week study of the book of Philippians. This in-depth study includes daily homework to propel you into God’s Word so your heart and mind might truly experience the fulfillment that comes as Jesus becomes the source of your joy.[/su_spoiler]


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