The Good Shepherd

Week 28, Friday

Rachel Uth


He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart.

Isaiah 40:11

At midnight I plopped down on the couch totally exhausted. It had been “one of those days” again! I was a young pastor’s wife with three active children and trying to juggle all of my responsibilities with family, home, and church. As I collapsed on the couch, there in front of me were the never-ending piles of laundry waiting to be sorted, empty drinking glasses, and a half-eaten pastry with crumbs all over the coffee table. The whole house was a mess, and there were so many things that still needed to be done. I couldn’t keep up! I just laid my head back and cried to the Lord.

As I was praying, I thought of a sketched picture that we have in our home of a lamb cradled securely in Jesus’ arms next to His chest. The look on that lamb’s face is one of total contentment. I then visualized myself as that lamb with the Lord Jesus, my Shepherd, holding me close to Him. Such a sweet, peaceful, and comforting feeling came over me. The Lord Jesus loves me and cares for me! I belong to Him and it’s going to be okay!

I have since hung that simple but beautiful picture of Jesus holding the lamb in a prominent place in our home. It continually reminds me that He is my kind and gentle Shepherd and He is forever holding me securely in His arms. When we give our lives to Jesus, He becomes our Good Shepherd who will tenderly and constantly care for us, His sheep. He promises in His Word, “I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua 1:5). When all the demands and worries of this world begin to overwhelm you, let Jesus wrap His loving arms around you and pull you close to His heart. Rest in Him. The daily tasks and concerns of life will always be there, but Jesus wants you to remember that He is always with you—loving you and carrying you in His arms. Thank You, Jesus!

Lord, Help me to realize that You are holding on to me, Your child. Help me to rest in Your arms and allow You to carry me through the difficulties of this life. I trust You with my life and know that You are going to care for me. Thank You for being my tender, loving Shepherd and never letting go of me. Amen.

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One Comment

  1. Rachel, it is so very good to hear this message from you and to rekindle an old friendship. We meat you and your hubby through Greg and Sharon when we were all in seminary together. Praying for you today in a mighty way and what an amazing joy to follow our Good Shepherd….He knows us and calls us by name…..Wonderful!
    Love ya old friend!

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