Return to the Former Things

Diane Nix

Hello Everyone!

It’s good to be back!  Contagious Joy and I took a much needed break during the month of January. I had a time of grieving the loss of loved ones, resting from weariness, cleaning out and purging the clutter, a massive DIY project (still underway) and finally there was a time of refocus and commitment to continue the work that God has called me!  I am excited and ready for an incredible year of ministry.

During the last 3 months I have steadily heard one message….”Return to former things……”  Go back to the greatest lessons that God has taught me in the beginning.  Return to the time when you knew less, but trusted more.  Return to the time when spiritually, you heard the voice of the Spirit and let your flesh get out of the way in order to obey the bidding of the Holy Spirit –  immediately!  Return to the meditation time and the pondering times.  Return to, “getting your praise on” and dancing before the Lord or softly weeping as you understood and received His Love.


Let’s face it!  For most receiving this email – Religion is our business!  We can get so used to doing business that we forget Whose business it is!   We either get stuck in our ruts and just do the same old business or we are always forging forward in the business!  Busy growing the business according to our own standards and naming the name of our God as the source of our strength but in reality we are hollow and empty in our spirit man! The Holy Spirit living within our spirits is grieved and hindered. We have convinced ourselves (and maybe others) that we are led by the Spirit when in truth we are simply led by our own ambitions!

Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.  God will make this happen for He who calls you is faithful” I Thessalonians 5:23-24

This year we are going for holiness and completeness. Our writers are going to be writing from the perspective of Spirit, Soul and Body.  We are looking for renewal for each one and we desire for God to receive the glory.  We are praying for revival to come to us, our families, our churches, states, and nation!

We are starting from the inside and working out and we hope you will join us!  We know that it’s going to take some work but we also understand that if we allow God to do the work in us that HE WILL DO IT!  We invite you to join us as we STOP living from the outside in and begin living from an over flow of our spirit man out!

So post a comment  in our Devotional area or Forums and discuss your thoughts on living life from the inside out!

Praying for you Sisters!



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  1. Diane, It is so good to see you here again! I am so sorry for the loss you have had and know you need that rest and reordering time in your life. I thought you might enjoy reading today’s Streams in the Desert which is on letting the dew of the Holy Spirit refresh our souls . Lately I have been needing that and running to my place of stillness and I so thankful for the peace and filling of His presence that He so lovingly has poured into me. I love you, Anne

    1. I love you too Anne. Thank you for bringing me before the throne and interceding for me. It is in the stillness that we can clearly hear HIS voice! Praying for you to run well, rest well and to finish well. You are a good Godly wife, mom and grandmom. Do not let the enemy say any differently!

  2. Sounds like you and I are on the same page, Diane! Thank you for sharing. I love January but then am discouraged by the end of it because I’m NEVER “all caught up.” I appreciate your admonition to return to the former things I love that God is so patient with me and tells me gently the same things over and over and over again and yet still loves me!

    Thanks for your ministry here. I usually file these emails to read later but I couldn’t resist today.


    1. Thanks for the response! Are we not so BLESSED to have the patience of a GOD who knows are weaknesses and then says, “When you are through(with whatever it might be)I am here! Waiting, paitently, not like your patience but my unending, forgiving, new everday mercy, patience” I have been reminded this morning that when I am “caught up” I miss the most important things in my life. Relationships. With HIM. With my family. With precious sisters. With divine appointments. Grateful that He can use me anyway……Praying for you as I type this. Lifting you before the throne that you would be empowered this year to live from the inside out – the life He intends for you to live! Bless you dear sister in your journey may we leave an imprint that gives our Father glory! May hell know we were here and may the saints sing the praises of our Abba because of our lives.

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