Victory for My Soul = Deliverance

Anita Onarecker Wood
Anita Onarecker Wood

The word victory suggest conquest or battle; a winner or loser. It is not defined by the participants. Few of us seek conquest or battles, rather most women avoid conflict yet sometimes it seems to find us.


Today’s theme is personal;  

                   victory for my soul.  


You know the conflict you face deep within, that issue or fear, or difficulty never too far from conscious thought. It may be poorly defined, just some looming cloud that introduces threat. So, when our personal battle arises, what do you do? Where do you go? As women in ministry, we know the most proper response is, “We go to the Lord in prayer, of course!” But do you, really? It helps me when I dig deeper into God’s word, and squeeze out the nuances of meaning about victory: success in a contest against an enemy; overcoming a difficult situation or obstacle.

Review some verses with me.

2 Sam. 22:2 – He IS my …deliverer=the place of safety, security and escape. God our Father is there, for us. He makes himself available for our safety and security. This verse says He is our stronghold, in three different ways.

GOD is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, and my rescuing knight. My God–the high crag[that steep rough mass of rock, part of a cliff or peak] where I run for dear life, hiding behind the boulders, safe in the granite hideout. MSG, Ps. 18:2. Do we run to the steep peak for safety?

Our challenge is to appropriate this security, to acknowledge deep within our soul that He loves us, and is always, always there for us. People disappoint us. It seems especially disillusioning when other Christians fail us, those Christian leaders and our contemporaries in ministry.

My naïveté was great in the early ministry years. My expectations and idealism loomed large as I sought to live in the world of Christian ministry. People disappointed. Women failed to befriend each other. Fear and insecurity separated those who sought to serve God in a common goal. Today’s confession: I still don’t understand it.

There comes a point when we resolve to go to the Rock, establish our feet on His solid foundation, and place our life, needs, and fears squarely in His granite hideout.

It takes too much time and energy to entertain ongoing insecurity and fears. Anger toward others, or pointed inwardly zaps our effectiveness. Allow others through CJ4H to be your friend and walk alongside you toward victory!


Our Father God is trustworthy. He will not abandon us when we turn to Him. His hands are strong to save and His refuge is uniquely designed to meet our needs.

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